Mastering the “Place” Command: Effective Training Tips for Your Doberman

Ineke Turner

Training your Doberman to follow the "place" command is an invaluable skill that goes beyond simple obedience. It helps manage your dog's behavior, reduces anxiety, and fosters a sense of calm. Let’s dive into the how-tos and why this command is a game-changer.

Why ‘Place’ Over ‘Stay’?

The "place" command offers more than just keeping your dog in one spot. Unlike "stay," which can be rigid, "place" allows your Doberman to settle in a specific area comfortably. This command is particularly beneficial for managing anxiety, excitement, and aggression, providing a structured way for your dog to relax and feel secure.

Preparation for Training

Before you start, gather the necessary items:

  • A dog bed or mat
  • A leash
  • A training collar

Make sure your training area is open and free of obstructions to minimize distractions and create a conducive learning environment.

Step-by-Step Training Guide

1. Introduction to the Place

Start by introducing the designated "place" to your Doberman. Make it inviting by adding comfortable bedding or familiar toys. Encourage your dog to explore and associate this spot with positive experiences.

2. Command Training

Lead your dog to the "place" using a leash. Use a clear and firm voice to command "place." Guide your dog into a sit or down position on the mat. Consistency in your command and actions is crucial for your dog to understand what is expected.

3. Reinforcement and Release

Use verbal praise and gentle leash guidance as positive reinforcement. Once your dog is comfortably settled, teach the release command by using a treat or toy to entice them away from the "place."

4. Phasing Out the Leash

Gradually reduce leash guidance as your dog becomes more familiar with the command. Practice frequently to ensure your Doberman can respond to the "place" command reliably without the leash.

5. Increasing Duration and Introducing Distractions

As your dog gets better, extend the time they spend in the "place." Introduce distractions like noises or other pets to teach your Doberman to stay calm and focused despite the surrounding activities.

Common Training Challenges and Solutions

During training, you might face challenges like confusion or non-compliance. If your dog seems confused, revisit earlier steps and ensure they understand each phase before moving forward. Adjust your methods based on their progress and response, always maintaining patience and consistency.

Advanced Training Tips

Integrate the "place" command into daily routines. Practice in various environments to help your dog adapt and respond to the command regardless of the setting. This versatility reinforces the command’s reliability and helps them to relax in any situation.


The "place" command is a powerful tool in your training arsenal, promoting calmness and improving your Doberman's behavior. Remember, patience and consistency are key.

Happy training!

Download Your Free ‘Place’ Command Lesson Plan

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